What We Do
Jesus commanded us to GO and TELL the Good News, and to preach the Truth to all nations, all men, all creation, everywhere. The Great Commission, which Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:18-20, states, "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Churches tend to drift from intentional evangelism. Even the authentic Vocational Evangelist along with pastors must constantly recommit themselves to evangelism. If anyone needs a definition of evangelism, they need not look any further than the Great Commission.
It is our desire and earnest prayer to be an encouragement to the pastor and the church staff, and be used of the Lord:
To preach the Good News of Christ to the lost and to see people repent and turn to Christ alone for salvation.
To be laborers in the harvest, sent out by the Lord of The Harvest. Matthew 9:37-28
To be a reminder for the church to keep their priorities in proper order.
To give the church the opportunity to experience the presence of God in a new and refreshing way.
To help the church have a unified voice of concern for the spiritual welfare of the community.
To create a spiritual atmosphere that ripens and produces a harvest.
To stand in the gap in the event God decides to show up "big time" and give us more than just a measure of revival. (Ezra 9:8)
To remind the church that we can be theologically correct, but remain a pauper in the palace of the King.
To become a wonderful new source of friendship, fellowship, and encouragement to the pastor and his family for years to come.
To be an authoritative voice that reinforces and compliments the pastors ministry, and builds him up in the minds and hearts of the people.
For a church to be biblically balanced, it must include and allow the workings of the five-fold ministries and offices of the church body as stated in Ephesians 4:11-12. One of those offices is the Office of the Evangelist. "And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ...
Scheduling an Evangelist
The Vocational Evangelist understands that when you contact them for information; that does not imply a firm commitment or an invitation to come to your church, unless you make it plain that’s the purpose of the contact.
Many evangelists may have dates booked months in advance, while at the same time they may have the very next week open. Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact an evangelist on the spur of the moment when you feel the Lord leading you.
There are always exceptions, but most harvest evangelists have detailed programs that need at least a month to three months, or longer preparation. Having a great harvest of souls saved in a revival is not an accident.
That’s one of the advantages of a Vocational Evangelists. Most of them have programs that have been tried and proven to help reach people of all ages for Christ. Evangelists are different; therefore, they will have different programs based on their gifting from God.
It is wise not to use stock or generic evangelistic programs, prepared by someone else when having a Vocational Evangelist, unless he does not have a program.
Allow the evangelist to use his own game-plan. If not, it will be like the coach of the Dallas Cowboys instructing his quarterback to use the game-plan of the New York Jets to lead his team down the field to score the winning touchdown in the last two minutes of the ballgame.
Both evangelist and pastor must always keep in mind that working together is a partnership that requires flexibility, communication and trust.
Also, the same thing is true when the church wants an outside music person, team, or a specialized ministry person, to work with the evangelist they wish to invite. When possible allow the evangelist to enlist the services of people he is used to working with. This will make an amazing difference. It is imperative that the preaching evangelist and musicians blend well in personality and philosophy.
Vocational Music Evangelists are a great gift from God, and can be used very effectively, not only in revivals and concerts, but many other special church events. Their ministry is just as authentic as the preaching evangelist.
Personal Aspirations
Great music has always been associated with great revivals. Music should never be just for fill-in, but prayed over and prepared as much as the preaching and invitation. Right after commanding us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the Bible says, "Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:19) Again the Bible challenges us, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." (Colossians 3:16) Psalm 150 reminds us to praise the Lord using all kinds of instruments and concludes by saying, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."
What is Revival? By Charles Massegee
The word "revival" has taken on many different meanings. We evangelists are committed to seeing revival in its truest sense in the hearts of all believers and the lost community. I still like the traditional definition of the biblical word "revival." A revival is a period of time set aside by a church for the purpose of Spiritual Renewal and Evangelism. We can call it a Super Event, Evangelism Explosion, 48 Hours of Empowerment, Crusade for Christ, Meet Jesus Crusade, Get Right Week, or whatever, but for clarity, I’m using the word revival.
I remember when most churches had at least two and sometimes three revivals a year. Pastors used the evangelists to keep the fires burning. Sometimes the revivals were harvesting revivals, other times they were just special times of refreshing, encouragement, and renewed commitment. God used and still is using, revivals to help keep the hearts of the people in tune with Him and one another. This automatically helps create and maintain a good positive attitude and relationship with pastors and their congregations.
As many churches gradually stopped having revivals, over time it began to show up in the attitude and faithfulness of the people. I see a very definite correlation between the decline in revivals and the decline in attendance, attitude, baptisms, and Godly respect for the office of the pastor.
You can have a good pastor and a good church, but not good together. The chemistry needs to be right. So it is with evangelists. Pastors are different and so are evangelists, each one uniquely gifted for "the growth of the body" and the "edifying of itself in love." (Ephesians 4:16) I promise you, there is an evangelist in this directory that is gifted and anointed for your situation. Pray that the Lord will lead you to the right evangelist for your church.
Don’t worry about when to have revival or be discouraged by the opposition that is to surely come when you start talking about revival. According to the Word of God, Satan has planted such opposition in the church. (Matthew 13:24-30) Just do it as soon as possible by faith and God will honor it.
One of the best revivals I was ever in was booked on Friday before we started on the following Sunday. We caught the devil and his opposition by surprise. Today is the tomorrow we talked about yesterday. The fields are already white for harvest. (John 4:35) Next to discouragement, procrastination is the biggest tool Satan uses. Because of the urgency of this matter, we evangelists in COTBE wish to partner with you today, to help you carry out the Great Commission in your church and community, to get people saved, baptized, and discipled.